Глава 21. Новые коммуникационные технологии

Все больше и больше преподавателей
используют в своих курсах электронную почту, WWW (Internet) и мультимедийные ма-
териалы. Введение новых технологий принесло с собой много изменений
в традиционную образовательную модель общения между профессорами и студентами.
Теория, строящаяся на объяснении транзактной медийной коммуникации
и разъясняющая межличностные и мультимедийные аспекты новых технологий, со-
стоит из двух уровней — макро- и микроаналитических моделей. Тем не менее, дан-
ная теория не в состоянии угнаться за развитием новых технологий. Поэтому для
объяснения использования новых технологий необходимы новые теории.
Ball-Rokeach, S.J. (1985), The origins of individual media-system dependency: A sociological
framework. Communication Research, 12, 485—510.
Ball-Rokeach, S.J. (1988). Media system dependency theory. In M.L. DeFleur & S.J. Ball-Rokeach
(Eds.), Theories of mass communication (pp. 297-327). New York: Longman.
Decker, L, Dunwoody, S. & Rafaell, S. (1983). Cable's impact on use of other news media. Journal
of Broadcasting, 27, 127-142.
Berman, S.J. & Bunzel, M. (1999, 1 March), The rapid bandwidth explosion. Electronic Media, 20.
The article quotes projections from The Yankee Group, a technology research firm.
Bowles, J, (1998,16 November), The future Internet: Faster, smarter, mobile, scarier. Newsweek, p. 12.
Brand, S. (1988). The media lab: Inventing the future at MIT. New York: Penguin.
Brown, P. (1999). Set-top box market frenzy: Industry trend or event. Electronic News, 45, 50.
Bryant, J. & Love, C. (1996), Entertainment as the driver of new information technology. In
R.R. Dholakia, N. Mundorf & N. Dholakia (Eds.), New Infotainment technologies In the home:
Demand-side perspectives (pp. 35-58). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Calvert, S. (1999). Children's Journeys through the Information age. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Carey, J.W. (1989). Communication as culture. Boston: Unwin Hyman.
Глава 21. Новые коммуникационные технологии 413
Cole, J. (2000). Surveying the digital future. Los Angeles: UCLA Center for Communication Policy.
Commission of the european communities. (1994). Europe and the Global Information Society,
Brussels: European Commission.
Cooper, T.W. (1998). New technology effects inventory: Forty leading ethical issues. Journal of Mass
Media Ethics, 13,71-92.
Daft, R. (1989). Organization theory and design (3rd ed.) St. Paul, MN: West Publishing.
Deloughrey, T.J. (1996, November 22). Campus computer use is increasing but not as fast as in
previous years. Chronicle of Higher Education, 43( 13), A21-A22.
Dizard, Wilson, Jr. (1994). Old media new media, mass communications in the information age. New
York: Longman.
Ducey, R., Krugman, D. & Eckrich, D. (1983). Predicting market segments in the cable industry:
The basic and pay subscribers. Journal of Broadcasting, 27, 155—161.
Dupagne, M. (1998, Winter). The two faces of HDTV policymaking: United States enters new era of
TV broadcasting. Communication & Technology Policy Newsletter, p. 3.
Federal communications commission (FCC). (1997). Advanced television systems and their impact
upon the existing television broadcast service (Fifth Report and Order), [ 12 FCC Red. 12809].
Fortin, D. (1997). The impact of interactivity on advertising effectiveness. Unpublished doctoral
dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Kinston.
Fulk, J., Steinfield, C.W., Schmitz, J. & Power, J.G. (1987). A social information processing model
of media use in organizations. Communication Research, 14, 529—552.
Goertz (1995). Wie interaktiv sind die neuen Medien? Auf dem Weg zu einer Definition von
Interaktivitat. [How interactive are the new media? On the way towards a definition of
interactivity]. Rundfunk und Fernsehen, 43, 477—493.
Grant, A.E. (1997). Introduction. In P.B. Seel & A.E. Grant (Eds.), Broadcast technology update,
production and transmission. Boston: Focal Press.
Greeley, H., Case, L., Howland, E., Gough, J.B., Ripley, P., Perkins, F.B., Lyman, J.B., Brisbane,
A., Hall, Rev.

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